
Global adventures of a windblown, thrill-driven aspiring veterinarian

Leonardo DiCaprio: A Champion for Wildlife April 17, 2014

While some celebrities REQUIRE payment to come to charity events, including those that raise funds for animals, Leonardo DiCaprio DONATES to charities. In fact, only last year, Mr. DiCaprio donated $3 MILLION in 2014 to Oceana to help curb marine habitat destruction and protection of species, especially sharks. The grant is being dispersed over the next three year to also advocate for more sustainable fashing practices, such as banning California drift gill-nets that often catch harmless creatures, namely turtles, dolphins, sharks, and whales.

And in 2013 he donated $3 million to World Wildlife Fund for the protection of tigers in Nepal.

If this man doesn’t inspire you just by his goodness, then heavens knows who will! But this isn’t all that Mr. DiCaprio has done…