
Global adventures of a windblown, thrill-driven aspiring veterinarian

Wacky Wednesday: Colugos May 18, 2011

Filed under: Wacky Wednesday — Gabby Wild @ 7:15 PM
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Also known as “flying lemurs”, Colugos are part of the order Dermoptera or “skinwings”, which includes only one other existing family of animals. Ironically, though, flying lemurs are neither lemurs nor true-fliers! They use a gliding membrane, aka “patagium”, that stretches from the side of its neck to the tips of its fingers and toes that continues to the tip of the tail. Colugos are made for an arboreal lifestyle and are pathetically helpless if on the ground. They have limbs of equal length with very durable claws to help them anchor onto trees, but because of their wings, how do they climb?
